The Ottawa Senators
2022–23 season campaigns
The Ottawa Senators Hockey Club (OSHC) has a strong following of sports fanatics in the city who are loyal spectators and supporters each NHL season.
Growing game attendance and creating a supportive community beyond sports enthusiasts and die-hard Senators fans is a prominent growth opportunity for the OSHC each year. The challenge is defining the right audience and developing an effective strategy to reach them, inspire them, and convert them.
In recent years, the OSHC set a goal to expand its reach and focus marketing efforts towards three priority groups, including parents of young children looking for a family-friendly activity, female working professionals looking for new and exciting options for a night out with friends or partners, and young adults seeking high-energy opportunities to socialize in the city.
In order to expand reach to new audiences, a high-visibility campaign was required to build a sense of pride and community across the city for the Ottawa Senators. As such, specific channels and tactics needed to be built up compared to previous seasons.
This included an increased focus on impactful out-of-home placements around Ottawa to help increase upper funnel awareness and build community, and more investment in vertical video placements to drive performance across the funnel.
Based on the media consumption data collected for the OSHC’s priority audiences, we developed an integrated media campaign that included a mix of traditional, digital, and out-of-home channels designed to guide audiences through the stages of awareness, to consideration, to conversion.
- Radio/audio
- Linear TV
- Connected TV
- Digital, including social media where an influencer partnership strategy was also deployed
- Digital and static out-of-home, including a mural at the Ottawa International Airport and takeovers of transit stations around the city
- Sponsored content
Throughout the 2022–23 season, 32 campaigns were launched across 14 media channels, including 250+ assets trafficked in English and French.
160% increase YoY
number of
transactions YoY
compared to 2.9X from
the previous season